Our SOPARFI - LRM Holding

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LMR Holding Investments SA

A SOPARFI, Société de participations financières, Financial participation company or better known as Financial holding company, is a legal entity established and with taxation exclusively in Luxembourg. Its activity, however, may be exercised all over the world. The purpose of the SOPARFI is to acquire and manage Luxembourg, European or foreign companies by acquiring part of their shares.

In addition to its statutory commercial activity, a SOPARFI may also combine a financial activity with its acquired companies, considered as subsidiaries or associates. A SOPARFI may act as a “holding company”.
The usefulness of a SOPARFI is varied and diversified. It can operate as an intermediary between a buyer and a seller who do not wish to deal directly with each other. The SOPARFI will assume the purchase from the initial seller and then the sale to the final buyer, most often under anonymous and sensitive conditions.

A SOPARFI is the most effective option for buying a business on behalf of an investor. A SOPARFI can also offer an investor a company, but keeping most of the shares as collateral, while the investor only manages the commercial activity.

A SOPARFI can also act as an operating arm for both private and public investors or for some non-governmental organization (NGO).

From a financial point of view, a SOPARFI, as seat of a corporate holding company, can more easily transfer funds and grant loans to its subsidiaries or associates without too many constraints.

Luxembourg grants a special tax status within the European Union, for such a reason a SOPARFI enjoys wide acceptance all over the world. LMR Holding Investments SA responds to each of the facilities mentioned. For this reason, our SOPARFI is a partner of choice for all international transactions and operations.
LMR-Holding Investments SA 2025 All rights reserved
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